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Year composed
180 minutes
Scored for
1 S., 1 MS., 1 A., 8 T., 3 Bar., 5 B / Mixed Choir/ 3 (3= Picc). 3.3(3= B.Cl.). 3. / 4. 3. (3= Tr. Picc.).3.1 / 4 Perc. HP. 2 Kbd. / strings / Tape
Libretto BY Nenad Turkalj & Igor Kuljerić, based on Richard III by W. Shakespeare. Commissioned by Zagreb Music Biennale, premiered in Zagreb on APRIL 16 1987 in Croatian National Theater, stage director Dejan Miladinović, conductor Uroš Lajovic
Richard 3 excerpt
00:00 / 17:51
Program notes
Aesthetically, the music follows the thoughts and structure of the written word, in all its dramatic and bloody-lyrical overflows; we say bloody lyrical because in this work, the composer, with the poetic power of music, masterfully shaped the unfolding of the Great Mechanism (according to Jan Kot) that governs human history.
“During this Bienniale we had hardly had any examples of truly original Croatian music before the creation of an opera by Igor Kuljerić on Richard III, which is certainly one of the most vigorous in recent years.”
Le Monde, after the premiere
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